2022 - 2023
Science & Cities Working Group
Since September 2022, we have been supporting the Science & Cities working group, composed of the Carrefour de la recherche urbaine de Montréal, the Service de l’enseignement et de la recherche of the City of Paris, the pôle Résilience, Prospective, Recherche et Innovation of the City of Paris, and the Department of Science and Universities of the City of Barcelona.
We offer our expertise to support the group in defining its objectives, identifying relevant topics for discussion, and facilitating exchanges between the three cities regarding their respective practices. In this way, we facilitate the sharing of experiences and reflections on strengthening the links between science and policies. Depending on the topics addressed (such as policy integration or the coordinating role at the interface between science and policies), we prepare specific content, conduct additional research, and present practices and examples identified in scientific literature.
If you wish to join Montreal, Paris, and Barcelona in strengthening the links between science and policies in your city, you can contact us at joris.arnaud@enap.ca.